Friday, May 8, 2009

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Positive Quote of the Day

There are two ways of exerting one's strength: one is pushing down, the other is pulling up.

-- Booker T. Washington

Missouri's Version of the FairTax

Whoa - I didn't see this one coming! When I first learned of the Fair Tax idea, I couldn't comprehend how it would work in our society. I had become so accustomed to the various taxes in our nation, that the simplistic idea of a singular tax seemed impossible. Upon further investigation, I think this would be more beneficial to our citizens. I am, however, wary of how this concept will work in our state and not concurrently on a federal level.

Regardless, you should know:
Missouri lawmakers are considering a drastic change to their tax system. A bill recently passed by the state’s House of Representatives would allow residents to vote on a Constitutional amendment that would eliminate corporate and individual income taxes in the state and replace them with a broad based sales tax. The plan is essentially a state version of the national FairTax proposal popular with some grassroots groups that would replace the federal income tax with a national sales tax. If the Senate passes the bill Missouri residents would be voting on the amendment in November of 2010.

Missouri currently has a sales tax, a corporate income tax, and a personal income tax. The sales tax rate is 4.225%, and the top corporate and personal tax rates are 6.25% and 6%, respectively. The plan put forth would replace all those taxes with a single sales tax levied at a rate of 5.11%. Accompanying the sales tax rate hike would be a substantially broadened sales tax base that would include all purchases. Currently most services are tax exempt and certain goods, most notably groceries, are taxed at a reduced rate of 1.225%. These exemptions would not exist under the new tax structure.

I have found it difficult to obtain unbiased information about this tax but there are a great many blogs that address the proposal.

Click Here to read The Tax Foundation's article

Click to visit the MO Fair Tax site

St Joseph Map

This is a recently updated map available for free viewing, courtesy of the St Joseph Chamber of Commerce.

The Regular Joe

In visiting local businesses, I've seen this publication regularly distributed. The cover artwork usually gives me a bit of a chuckle and occasionally I pick up a copy just for kicks. I'm not "hip" to the local bar and entertainment scene so most of the information is irrelevant to me; however, I understand that anyone who can expand our views of our world deserves my support, so I had a link included on my Notable Links. I even rather enjoy their "quotes" at the bottom of every page ("Whoever wants to learn the hearts and minds of America had better learn baseball." Jacques Barzun)

With the publication of Vol 2, Issue 15, dated April 16, 2009, I effectively removed their link from my site and will no longer read their publication as I was extremely disappointed with articles the editor chose to publish. Recent excerpts include:
Taken from "Ask Anybody":
I want to say congratulations to the "Citizens Again For Never Taxes" or whatever their name is. It was brilliant calling in those big city guys to put the kibosh on this dumb idea. Who cares what their secret agenda was, as long as we get out way? Hey, maybe if the local schools go down the toilet, I can get em to hook me up with some of them voucher deals so I can get a tax break for sending my seven kids to the school in my church's basement. Whadaya think? (Read the entire letter here)

Taken from "The Law of Unintended Consequences:"
Those that voted against it (the bond issue) either did not have the intellectual fortitude to understand what was at rish, didn't' (sic) care to understand, or were misinformed....So instead of awarding the efficient use of community resources we actually take pro-active steps at the polls to punish them for their performance to lessen those resources. Genius St. Joseph, real genius." (Read the article here)

Taken from "My Two Cents on TrailsWest! 2009 - Dear God, What Have We Done To Deserve This?"
The question I pose is this: Why God Why? What have the good people of St. Joe done to anger you so? In recent years, the attendees of TrailsWest have been asked to endure "steaming piles" like Air Supply, Night Ranger and Bucky Covington.
I understand that the Council has limited funds and a certain audience to cater to but why is it the country fans, over 40 hair metal fans and desperate housewives are the only ones who get what they want? (Read more here)

The only writer who offered a solution to his problem was Danny Phillips who encouraged TrailsWest! coordinators to consider local bands for the music lineup at the festival. The negativity is somewhat demoralizing and clearly unproductive. I have to wonder if the writers of the first two articles were present at the recent grassroots meetings to discuss getting the levy/bond issues back on the ballot....

Friday, May 1, 2009

100 Day Left Turn

Thank you Mr. BO for the eye opening first 100 days!

Homosexuals Making Headlines

A recent AP article stated that in a national poll, people had "mixed views on gay-rights issues". Kind of an understatement. I find it interesting that, with all of the political hot-button issues and activities taking place right now, this is still such a hotly contested debate. Interestingly enough, a Columbia-based newspaper, Columbia Missourian, published a "question of the day" on April 9 asking if gay marriage should come to Missouri. While the article itself was relatively insignificant, the bloggers comments below it were amusing at best to read.

In 2004, Missouri (surprisingly ahead of the curve) overwhelmingly passed legislation stating that marriage shall only exist between a man and a woman. I find it interesting that Americans fight so hard for their "rights" to marry, but are seemingly lackadaisical when it comes to fighting for gun rights, taxes, and enforcement of laws.

In find it interesting that there is so much statistical data for married heterosexuals. Questions asked on students' tests, surveys and other data-collecting agencies almost always include the question of whether one is married and/or whether ones parents are married. Divorce statistics are readily available for any looking to argue the heterosexual marriage relationship. Somehow this data is supposed to help researchers, adoption agencies, and government make decisions that affect daily life. Ironically, there is very little to any information available about homosexual relationships. Perhaps this should be the single greatest argument for proponents and opponents alike of gay marriages. Now we would be able to track the average marriage length of homosexuals. It may be easier to identify external factors that affect longevity and/or viability of the gay relationship.

I believe that the gay marriage rights issue needs to be a national law (either for or against); the issue left up to the states leaves each state in a precarious position of handling these marriages when couples get married out of state.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Positive Quote of the Day

Because I've always felt, whether the fatwa or whatever, the writer's great weapon is the truth and integrity of his voice. And as long as what you're saying is what you truly, honestly believe to be the case, then whatever the consequences, that's fine. That's an honorable position.

-- Salman Rushdie


The commentators of this generation are lucky enough to be able to opine about their beliefs without persecution (for the most part). HOWEVER, I think reporters and journalists are not privy to this luxury. There is a difference between the two. Reporters should be delivering unbiased news and facts. People like Katie Couric should not be orating about their opinions; however, commentators such as Keith Olbermann or Bill O'Reilly have open mics.

Do you support a TIF for a Downtown entertainment district?

The most recent poll question in the SJNP was: "Do you support a TIF for a Downtown entertainment district?"

"Downtown Entertainment District"? Judging by what is already situated in downtown and from what I have heard the City would like to see there, there is very little entertainment per se in the area. When you combine words like 'bar' and 'entertainment', I really don't see 'arts' in that equation. Ideas like 'theatre', 'class','family', or 'tourism' are also missing.

When I first moved to Missouri, I was so excited to read all the signs pointing to "(any city's name here) historic downtown". I always had a preconceived notion that I would be able to drive to these downtowns and be greeted with quaint older buildings in good repair. I would hope for a shopping "avenue", restaurants and other shoppes conducive to enticing travelers to stop for a visit and spend some much needed money (similar to Weston). So many times this is not the case. St. Joseph is no exception. The original concept of a downtown was centered around department stores and the idea of the location being a "one-stop-shop" for shoppers. While it is nearly impossible to get department stores back into downtown, it certainly is a viable option to make it a one-stop-shop place for residents and tourists alike.

Before we move forward with the TIF plan, our city needs to identify what their goals are for the downtown area. If it is meant to be purely a "bar" environment, then they should move forward with the "Downtown Entertainment District" theme and market their availability to topless bars, lounges, and foster the adult-only atmosphere. If they want to expand and broaden their consumer base, they may want to reconsider the naming and solicit businesses such as:

* Pharmacy (CVS?)
* Boutique shoppes (candy store, soda fountain, women's clothiers, novelty/specialty stores)
* Restaurants (coffee shop, deli, UPSCALE restaurant)
* Arcade
* Movie Theatre (haven't been in the existing one, but it needs a facelift)
* Art gallery
* Comedy club?
* Florist

I think everyone would agree that if we had a thriving downtown, both our citizens and businesses may feel better about attracting tourism, growing the residential base near the downtown region, and evoke an overall city pride.

Tracking ARRA Locally

The Missouri State Auditor's office has set up a website dedicated to tracking funds received under BO's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). According to the website,
"The state auditor's office is Missouri's independent watchdog agency and ... (is) committed to embracing a high level of transparency and accountability of public funds within Missouri state government."

It's kinda neat that our state is making this information available to residents.

Click Here to visit the site.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Miss USA Contestant Holds a Moral Compass

In discussing the recent "scandal" surrounding the Miss USA contest where Miss California was asked about her view on gay marriage, several folks were saying that Carrie Prejean's answer was not politically correct enough. My friends were telling me that had she really wanted to win she should have replied differently, more indirectly. Responses ranged from the idea that she should have kept her personal beliefs out of the subject and told the audience that it was up to the states to make their own decisions or she should have recognized gays as equals to heterosexuals.

Regardless of her opinion, I applaud Miss Prejean. She did not respond in a politically correct manner. She did not cater to the minority. She did not falter in her response. She refused to "take it back" afterward and stood by her answer. She responded with an answer that strongly reflected her beliefs.

The response voiced by bloggers, viewers, etc; was so unanimous - if she wanted to win, she would have replied differently. I disagree. All too often, we Americans are used to being lied to or our questions ignored or passed over. We like politicians to tell us whatever makes us feel good, not necessarily what is the truth or belief of our community leaders, we only get to hear what is popular... what will get them a 'win'.

Pity. We never learn about what our community leaders truly believe. We never truly learn who they are or how they feel about issues. We blindly follow our leaders. We are sheep. Especially if we Americans can get so irked about a single comment made by a beauty pageant contestant. This is what makes America great - we have the freedom to voice our own opinion, popular or not. Why can't we respect Miss Prejean's values and beliefs? Who really cares if they are in line with our own beliefs? It's a breath of fresh air to see someone telling the truth on camera, especially with such a 'loaded' question.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Free sample! Sir! Free sample, yes! You take! Free sample!

The East Hills Mall has proudly announced:

Tokyo-San Japanese Grill & Sushi opens this Friday, April 17th in the Sunporch Cafe & Lounge.

Experience a unique Japanese dining experience. The freshest food prepared right before your eyes. Visit Tokyo-San in the Sunporch Cafe & Lounge and try their tasty free samples! Plus, enjoy an everyday chicken entree special for just $4.99; includes vegetable and rice.

Menu selections include teriyaki chicken, black pepper beef, honey spice chicken and SOBE green tea just to name a few.

I wonder how many various Asian cuisine restaurants the mall thinks they can sustain. The count is up to three, but I'm sure they're shooting for two more to fill up the empty spots...

Discount Dining

I stumbled quite literally upon this website:

Here you can get dining discounts. The website is sponsored by the St Joe Channel, so I'm guessing it's legit. I haven't had the opportunity to utilize the services available yet, but I'll let you know when I do if it works. If you use it before me, let me know!

Email to:

Newspaper Viability

I'm addicted. I admit it. I'm a news junkie. I watch various programs on the television, I read the newspaper, I search the web. With so many avenues to obtain information it's really not surprising that the bankruptcies of newspapers across the country are making headlines.

Answer this question: since career searches, coupon clipping, ads, and article information are all available online (FOR FREE), why would anyone pay for a newspaper subscription?

Sure, the smell of the ink, the feel of the paper, and the general nostalgia of reading the paper (weekend or otherwise) tend to give me a sense of comfort and regularity. But really, am I missing anything by canceling my print subscription? I suppose in contrast to the cost of cable and internet newspapers are much more cost-effective as a source for information.

Maybe people like me want MORE! Yes, more. I believe people are searching for different points of view so they can try to make a story objective, less slanted, and perhaps even more informative. I have found that our local News-Press paper doesn't provide enough articles. They seem to omit so much information - or report it too late. Case in point - the Big Brother/Big Sister program recently ran a month-long volunteer recruitment drive. The NP chose to report it after the drive was completed. How were folks to know when/where/how to sign up? The NP's world is so small... so limited. It's almost as if they don't report much world, national, state news it doesn't exist. And their articles are almost always slanted and biased. Is there no balanced news source nowadays? In a "small" town like ours, it's hard not to overhear rumors on the gossip mill. Yet, there is no reliable/dependable news source to catch up on all the accurate happenings here. Oh well, it sure gives people like me an opportunity to voice an opinion.

Fake & Bake

It's that time of year again, folks. Time to "fake & bake". I still marvel at how many men, children, older women (heck, women period) choose to get their tan from a bed. Whatever happened to the good old days when people spent ample time outdoors getting good old fashioned suntans from playing and working outdoors?

I can't say I blame these folks. We do live in a society centered around convenience and materialism and this is just another easy way to get something we want with little effort. It is rather comical, though, to see the fake and bakers. You can spot them a mile away. This time of year many are burned from overbaking (OUCH!) and some are rather "oompa-loompa-ish" (can you say ORANGE?). I wonder if they acknowledge that they stick out... and not necessarily in a good way? Overall, I think it's easy to notice these folks simply because (a) any person relying on sunshine to tan doesn't have an all-over even glow - tan lines, sunglass lines, etc; are obvious, and (b) how many individuals are exhibiting a dark tan this early in the season?

My favorite people to gawk at are the young women (<21) who go overboard. They really look bad. Nothing natural to their tan at all. They are so fried, their skin is wrinkly and badly colored. In fact, even their lips are tan! They look so silly compared to the majority of the populace. But man, I'm sure they look great in that tanning salon!